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Legacy Tailgate Form

July 4, 2022  // 5PM - 11PM

Limited Spaces Available – Reservation Deadline June 23, 2022

The Great Meadow Independence Day Celebration is a major annual Greater Washington area event, drawing family crowds in excess of 15,000 each year to our beautiful countryside. Entertainment during the early evening features: music, family games,  & activities prior to the culmination of a dazzling display of fireworks over our lush, green venue.


A limited number of Reserved Tailgate spaces are available and will be located primarily around Members Hill and the North and South Rails. Attendees who have held a particular Tailgate Space in 2019 and previous consecutive years, will for 48 hours, have first right to reserve those same (or similar) spaces for 2022.

Please answer the following questions to help reserve your past tailgate space(s) 
Did you hold this space in:

Thanks! We will be in touch with more details for payment and placement before tickets are available to the general public 

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